
The Prevalence of Injury in Youth Athletics

While returning from a recent TPI Seminar trip to Korea, China and Japan I was struck by the timing of an excellent article written by Ron Kroichick of the San Francisco Chronicle about the dangers of early specialization.  I’ve written about this subject previously and it’s a major focus of our TPI Junior Certification educational tracts.

While on our trip, the number one topic that came up in our question and answer sessions was the prevalence of injury in the young, competitive golfer.  Although Asia has become a hot bed for golf, it is not without its’ casualties.  I have never seen so many young golfers with overuse injuries from simply hitting too many golf balls, many of which will curtail their careers and even force them to prematurely leave the sport.

Ron’s article addresses early specialization thoroughly and gives some incredibly stark numbers as to the prevalence of early specialization injuries in youth athletics. Check out the article via the link below:



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